Recording your StoryFile Life is easy.

Are you a memory keeper?

Are you interested in knowing more about your parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents and loved ones? Do you want to know more about their memories, experiences, beliefs, views and passions? Do you love family gatherings or subscribe to a genealogy site?

If you are interested in anything above – you are a StoryFile Memory Keeper.

StoryFile cherishes our relationship with memory keepers because, like you, we are made up of memory keepers. We all have loved ones in our life who are filled with unique narratives and we want to hear their stories today, and keep them for tomorrow.

StoryFile Life is being used by people around the globe for many different reasons. One of our biggest user groups includes people like you who are recording their memories to leave for their children, grandchildren and future generations.

It is a tremendous act of love to share significant parts of your life with others. Some are eager to participate, and some have a bit more stage-fright and might be slightly apprehensive about sharing their story.  

Visit StoryFile Life

No Worries! StoryFile is here to help!

StoryFile LifeWe know how important it is for you to gather stories for your family line, friends, and loved ones. Remember, our team at StoryFile is made up of Memory Keepers!

We also know your loved one might be concerned with the technical requirements or have questions about what/why and how the StoryFile process works.

Here are a few tips and tricks to support you

Encouragement & Validation

1. Go to from your desktop or mobile web browser

2. Create a FREE ACCOUNT (top right)

3. Click RECORD (top middle)

4. Allow Camera and Microphone access


4. To get started recording!

  • You will be prompted to Record a Resting Pose first

  • You will be prompted to Record an “I can’t answer that” answer second

5. Now you can select from your menu of Questions and begin Recording answers! It’s that easy.

You can show them the simple Dashboard set up in a matter of moments. If you need professional support you can always reach out and we will have a success coach walk you through the process. Contact us as:

Make it Personal

There are times it may seem a bit unusual to sit down and record personal narratives – some people just feel weird about doing it! That’s completely normal – validate your loved one by letting them know why it’s important to you.

What’s most important is that your loved one knows how meaningful it will be for YOU and your other family members/friends to hear these stories and learn more about their life.

It is a priceless gift.

Pace Yourself! Take Bite Sized Chunks

Here’s the good news – there is no wrong time to do a StoryFile.

Encourage your loved one to get through whatever amount of recording feels good in a session. If they’re comfortable recording for 15 minutes – great! If they want to do a marathon session for 4 hours – go for it!

What’s most important is that they feel comfortable with the process and take it at their own pace and timing. Remember, we’re here to help if needed.

Happy StoryFiling!
Reach out with any questions along the way

Record your own StoryFile in the comfort of your own home.