Conversational Video allows us to interact with people and ask them questions about their lives anytime, anywhere. Learn more about the future of storytelling.

For generations, humans have told stories to one another. Partly because they figured out long ago that creative storytelling is more entertaining than simply being ‘told’ something. Before there was writing, before there were drawings, people told stories to illustrate their experiences. Human beings continue to pass down generational knowledge through storytelling, everyday, all over the world.

What we have been facing with globalization is that we are increasingly growing up without the presence of our older generations. Families do not have many opportunities to get together in person and listen to these stories or have these conversations. Conversational video allows people the experience of actually having those meaningful conversations time and time again. 

The Importance of Storytelling

One of the things that makes human beings different from so many other animal species is our ability to listen and learn and adapt our behavior. In short, we learn from one another. It is also human to make our own mistakes and learn from those, as well as from the experiences, advice, and mistakes of others. Knowledge allows us the freedom to make choices. What would we do if we have no one to listen to or no one to tell us their life stories so we could learn from those memories and experiences? 

The Benefits of Interactive Storytelling

Conversational, Interactive-Video allows us to interact with other people and ask them questions about their lives; it gives us a chance to hear their stories and learn from them, anytime, anywhere. 

It also allows us to pass on specific information that we want people to hear directly from us – even if we are no longer around to have that conversation in person. 

Human beings need to be able to look people in the eye, read that person’s body language, and hear their voice in order to fully understand what is being communicated to them. Non-verbal communication tells us so much about other people –  simply hearing an audio version of their voice is not enough. This is what makes conversational video so special. The AI platform gives  people the ability to truly engage with someone that is not actually present. It allows you to see that person struggle with answering or see that person’s joy or sorrow while they tell you a story. 

The Future Of Storytelling

An AI storytelling platform gives  people the ability to truly engage with someone that is not actually present. It allows you to see that person struggle with answering or see that person’s joy or sorrow while they tell you a story. It is vital to conveying generational knowledge or experiences from one person or generation to another. The future of storytelling is through conversational video.

More than just “linear video” that follows a particular start, middle, and an end, conversational video does not have a particular point to make or journey to bring a listener on. It allows you to explore many unique stories, at your own pace, and to learn what you want to learn, not necessarily what someone else wants to learn. 

Although the person that they are having a conversation with will most always have a reason for sharing a particular story, it is up to the person that is asking the questions to find that story when they are ready. It is like an endless buffet, always serving up relevant information, and allowing you to engage in something meaningful time and time again.

Create your own StoryFile in the comfort of your own home.