Episode Showcases New Technology for Preserving Holocaust History; Airs Sunday, April 5th 7:00pm ET/ PT on CBS

April 4, 2020, Los Angeles, CA

CBS’ 60 Minutes profiles StoryFile Founder Heather Maio-Smith and the innovative technology that she conceived and co-produced, that allows Holocaust Survivors to share their stories and experiences with future generations. People are able to interact using artificial intelligence with survivors through pre-recorded interviews and speak to them in real-time.

Maio-Smith partnered with USC Shoah Foundation and the USC Institute of Creative Technologies to pioneer a new way to tell, record, and engage with personal stories in perpetuity. Over 20 interviews have been conducted with Holocaust survivors as part of Dimensions in Testimony, which are available for people to interact with through USC Shoah Foundation at locations throughout the World.

“Developing the initial concept of working to capture conversations with  Holocaust Survivors was a deeply meaningful experience for me. It was clear to me that each of us has our own stories to tell for future generations” Maio-Smith said.

Today, Maio-Smith is the Founder and CEO of StoryFile. “Imagine your great-great grandchildren being able to talk to you… StoryFile makes that possible.  People all over the world will soon be able to interact and communicate with each other through natural conversation video, which uses AI to create interactive engagement.”

StoryFile has developed a new mobile-native technology platform ConversaTM which makes interactive natural conversations available through the StoryFile App, now available on the ITunes Store, as well as on other online platforms and museum installations.

Tune in April 5th at 7:00pm ET/PT on CBS for the 60 Minutes Episode. For more information, visit: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/artificial-intelligence-holocaust-remembrance-60-minutes-2020-04-03/.

For more details or interview requests, please contact alana@storyfile.com.


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